Acupuncture works in harmony with Dry Needling...
Acupuncture working alongside Dry Needling - Shak Jackson Sports Massage
How do I know if I have a Rotator Cuff Injury?
What Are Rotator Cuff Injuries? At our Sheffield Sports Massage clinic one of the most common injuries we treat are rotator cuff...
What is Localised Cryotherapy and How Does it Work?
What is Localised Cryotherapy?
The wonder of Cryotherapy..
How Will You Benefit from Localised Cryotherapy? The treatment is excellent as a supporting therapy that is used directly on an area for...
Water can help you with fat loss!
A lot of people underestimate the importance of hydration when it comes to fat loss, and drinking plenty of water really is one of the...
How to smash your running goals!
The new year is always a good time for setting goals and a big one for many people is to sign up for a long-distance run, anything from a...
why stretching is so important
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a good range of motion. Without it,...
DOMS aka onset muscle soreness is an uncomfortable aching feeling that is experienced up to 48 hours after intense training. Here’s why...
Getting to the Bottom of Glute Massage
Why a Glute massage? Your glutes are a combination of fat and muscle. The gluteal muscles, collectively among the largest in the body,...
A Sports Massage - What to expect?
It will probably be uncomfortable, quite possibly painful but most importantly, it will work. A sports massage incorporates techniques...